
In-Season Skills Training

James Madison sophomore PG Matt Lewis

On the question of whether or not to continue training while in season, YES, you should still train during your season.

There are so many dynamics during a high school season: (early mornings, long school days, after school practices, sometimes study hall, homework, studying, at home choirs etc.,) in addition, parent’s hectic work days, that makes a parent or player say, enough is enough! With this level of commitment, an additional 30 minutes to an hour can seem impossible to find, more so, easy to waive off as unimportant.

The Summer is not the only time where players should improve. Players should gradually improve over the course of the regular season as well. The primary way is through additional work. An additional 30 minutes to an hour per day, will not only sharpen skills to prepare for the next contest, but the accumulation of hours and work, will lead to a significant level of improvement during a long season.

DO NOT BLAME COACHES!!! This is Unrequired Work.

Whether it be additional Free throws, Floaters, Back to the basket moves, our young athletes are so close to reaching the level that they dream of competing! In season training is not as rigorous as off season training, and should be specific to a player’s game, situation, and weaknesses.

“You GET, what you focus on.”

Be Blessed.

Darius Wilson

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